I am here to guide, assist and support you every step of the way to ensure a smooth and successful divorce.
To minimise stress, I will support you in every way and provide my expertise at every stage of the process.
I have an extensive and impressive reputation for achieving the best outcome.
When your relationship with your children has broken down and, because of this, you do not see your grandchildren, there is a way forward.
I will do my utmost to get my clients the result they want and need. I have a great deal of experience in Court helping people who are going through difficult times.
Asset protection is when, either before marriage, or after separation – and/or a pending divorce – instructions are taken to see if there is a way that certain assets can be protected. For example, inheritance (the list is not exhaustive).
Clients sometimes say to me, “I am unhappy with my solicitor”, or “I am unhappy with the service and route they are taking me down.”
Consent Orders can come in Children Act Matters or Financial Remedy Matters where parties agree something, and it is put in formal writing. Furthermore, if both parties by consent have agreed to do something.
An example of a Financial Matter: you hear that a party is going to draw down a large pension that belongs to the couple and this should not be done.
For example, if an order is breached (or not kept), then enforcement proceedings can begin to put the matter right.
This is when a person is known to the other and is causing that person to live in fear, or to be controlled by the perpetrator.
If you find you are living overseas and Children Act or divorce proceedings, for example, have begun (the list is not exhaustive), and you are thinking, “how can I deal with matters?”
I have transgender clients and same-sex couples, and I understand how important it is to make a person feel both comfortable and at ease when they come to see me for legal advice.
Maintenance is there to assist a struggling party both during a divorce and at the end (in financial remedy matters). It is agreed that a party will pay either for a child or children and/or the husband or wife to have maintenance for a period of time to help them adjust.
Often an email is sent to a client from the opposition solicitor, but they do not understand the content that they have been sent. They may have to wait all weekend (or maybe longer) to obtain the reply.
When a relationship breaks down, sometimes the only things left are possessions and these could be pictures, or children; maybe a special gift or someone’s tools (the list is not exhaustive).
This is where the parents of the child are asked for certain things. Before anything is agreed over, the parents should seek advice.